Solar panel is a photovoltaic panel made from photovoltaic (PV) modules consisting of photovoltaic cells (Solar cells) connected together at different voltages and capacities. . They play the role of collecting energy and converting the energy of sunlight into electricity to provide for commercial and residential applications, and are one of the basic components of a solar power system.
Solar cells rely on the photovoltaic effect to convert photovoltaics into electrical energy. Main ingredients include:
Because they are typically arranged in high positions and spacious spaces to capture maximum sunlight, solar panels continuously accumulate dust, dirt and trash. The huge number of solar panels located on the roofs of high-rise buildings or in remote areas always causes people to have a headache about the problem: how to clean them, because once the surface of the panels If it gets dirty, its performance will decrease. Using manual labor to clean solar panels is both ineffective and very expensive and dangerous.
So, how to clean solar panels? More precisely, how can they be cleaned?
Sooner or later, this question has or will cause special concern for owners. Photovoltaic cells are often located on the roofs of high-rise buildings or remote areas. The area is remote so it is difficult to maintain. To answer this question, let's go to Israel to see a new invention by the scientists of this small but extremely developed country.
Over the past few decades, Israeli scientists have brought the world from one surprise to another. Especially in the agricultural sector from sea desalination technology. Drip irrigation to conserve water. Reusing water, treating wastewater, filtering water... This time, they share with the world their innovation on cleaning and maintaining solar cells. By solar-drone. Scientists in this country proposed to solve the problem. With the help of specially designed drones for maintenance and cleaning of solar panels.
The kit includes a quadcopter (4-bladed flying device) placed inside a docking station. Able to withstand bad weather conditions. It will be located near solar panel complexes that are being maintained. The aircraft will operate at specified intervals after being activated.
During its operation, the drone will move over each solar panel and determine the level of pollution. As well as recording other parameters of operation using thermal sensors. Optical sensors and mapping cameras. Then, if necessary, the drone will clean the control panel. Apply cleaning agent and move on to the next panel.
After completing the maintenance process. The drone returned to the station. There, the robot system will replace the exhausted battery with a new one, and fill the tank with cleaning solution.